Public Trust Erodes In Sweetwater School District
Monday, June 29, 2009
Above: A portrait within a school board auditorium displays the current school board and superintendent.
SAN DIEGO — The Sweetwater Union High School District is the largest high school district in California. This past year it became one of four San Diego county school districts to be placed on a federal watch list under the No Child Left Behind Act. KPBS Education Reporter Ana Tintocalis explains how Sweetwater Superintendent Jesus Gandara has come under fire for the way he's handling reforms:
Jesus Gandara is credited with turning around largely Latino school districts in Texas. He has described himself as a man of faith who is on a mission.
"I see my role as a superintendent sometimes fighting evil,” Gandara said. “So I carry a blessed Saint Michael's with me, and I carry a Rosary with me."
But lately Gandara has been fighting public mistrust. It's a stark contrast to when he first arrived three years ago. At the time there was a sense of optimism that Gandara was a perfect fit for the district. But now that's turned to anger.
At recent school protests, employees have been heard shouting:
“How long has Gandara been on the job? Too long, right?”
“This superintendent has created a repressive culture and people will continue to speak up.”
“Obviously our school board doesn't understand what is happening.”
The overall dissatisfaction is tied to Gandara's top-down style of management, his spending habits and unresolved contract negotiations. He's also accused of discriminating against female administrators.
Gandara believes the rancor is all about resistance to change.
“Everybody loves change, everyone understands change, everyone will tell you, change has to come, but when it comes to them, they don't like change,” Gandara said.
Gandara has shuffled principals about the districts without community input. And he's demoted two of the highest ranking female administrators. The superintendent defends his decisions.
“There are clicks in this organization and when I hold one of their members in this click accountable, then they're going to react to that.”
However Gandara admits he hasn't focused yet on his vision for academic instruction. Instead he's been caught-up in managing his bricks-and-motor vision of how to spend a more than $600 million school bond.
So now the question is whether Gandara has enough community support to move educational reforms forward. All six employee unions have cast votes of no confidence in him. Organizers say he doesn't know how to build consensus because he comes from Texas where there are no teachers unions.
“Certainly Texas is a unique culture,” says Lynda Skrla, professor of educational administration at Texas A & M University. She studies school districts that beat the odds. She says successful superintendents have to adapt.
“If you're a successful leader in Texas as superintendent and you move to another state, you're model for success really is built on what you knew previously,” Skrla said. “Part of your job is to learn how your new culture is the same as and, different from, the one from which you came. Certainly unions would be a big piece of the equation.”
Skrla says it is possible for an education reformer to make drastic changes without losing the trust and hurting morale. She says the key is to be transparent -- something teacher Jean Chivira says Gandara hasn't done.
“This is where we went to school. Our sisters have gone here. Our children have gone here. We're really tied to the community. And we've seen what this man has done. He's damaged the district where it’s going to take many, many years for us to recover.”
Charles Wilson has sent two of his daughters through the Sweetwater school district.
“(The district) needs the type of shaking up to get things done. But still (the superintendent) has to be able to listen to people.”
Lynda Skrla of Texas A & M says this is a pivotal moment for any superintendent.
“Once the public or school community’s trust for their school leadership has eroded, its extreme difficult to reestablish. And it’s also hard to predict when things are going to go South. Some superintendents can weather storms and remain in tact. Other superintendents lose their effectiveness.”
But Gandara insists he can lead the district out of its internal turmoil to academic success. If he succeeds, it could serve as a model for other struggling Latino school districts. If he doesn't, it could be a blow to the Sweetwater community.
RevaLution // June 29, 2009 at 3:31 p.m.
This man sounds PARANOID!!!
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savesweetwater // June 29, 2009 at 6:27 p.m.
He has been here three years and hasn't yet focused on instruction?? Doesn't that say it all?
Gandara needs to learn that fear doesn't build trust, and the click (clique) he has put in power now seems to only know one leadership style - fear based on positional power. Ask anyone who was at any of the recent management meetings - no one speaks up about anything - because they are afraid of the repercussions. Not a productive or healthy environment.
Wake up school board - Gandara has got to go.
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RevaLution // June 29, 2009 at 6:41 p.m.
could more people in management please grow a pair or join the union so we can get rid of this guy???
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LeadershipHero // June 29, 2009 at 7:52 p.m.
Thank you, Anna and KPBS. Wow, what a story!
So many people in this district have had their voice silenced over the past 3 years. Whether it is because they are told not to talk to the press or say anything to students for fear of retaliation on their performance evaluation. Having to use a moniker in order to share my views says volumes.
I appreciated your source from the university in Texas who explained some of the differences between Texas and California.
I believe that Diversity is not solely about skin color, ethnicity or cliques. Diversity can be found in the values of an organization that believes that every employee and student matters. A district that believes in Diversity supports the values of the community's past and present.
It is time we move from the anger, shock, denial and frustration we've experienced over the past few years.
Now is the time to show our strength, our diversity, and our courage to challenge the bullys who want us to believe that our voice is not of value.
Now is the time to ask the school board why this has been allowed to continue. How many examples of 'our dirty laundry' must we share with the public before we are heard?
Thank you KPBS! I am a proud member of your organization and will continue to contribute to KPBS.
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Gandarasgottogo // June 29, 2009 at 11:09 p.m.
The situation in the Sweetwater Union High School District is appalling. As a long time employee, I have never seen morale as low as it is today. It has been a long downward spiral under the leadership of Dr. Jesus Gandara. He rules by fear and intimidation. Dissent and discussion is not allowed. We have a dictator. When will the school board wake up? More and more local constituents are speaking out against Gandara's leadership and the present school board that rubber stamps all of Gandara's decisions. Promotions are not based on merit. Agree with the Superintendent and you will be promoted. Don't even think of asking questions or dissenting. If you do disgree or question, you'll face a future like Karen Janney and Dr.Carbury.
Did Dr. Gandara break his contract by going to Texas and interviewing for a position there? Why has he spent District funds on frequent trips to Texas and Monterey? How can the District spend $17 million on consultants and the Board doesn't even bat an eye? Whatever it costs to send Dr. Gandara back to will be money well spent!
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freesushd // June 30, 2009 at 9:16 a.m.
Thanks once again, Ana. For example: teachers still don't know when to report in July for the year-round all district schedule that Karen Janney coordinated so seamlessly. It's all just rumors and tentative schedules and under a month to go. When you earn about as much as the superintendent for LA Unified School District (245K vs. 250K --perks not counted) shouldn't these wrinkles be ironed out?
Using Texas as an excuse for not knowing about unions is lamer than the dog-ate- my-homework line and blaming clicks (not sure he meant "cliques" --that was kind --I think he meant "chicks") three years into it is, again, indicative of a person who refuses to accept his own (major) role in this disaster.
When one pays property tax here and sees that chunk added to the bill for Prop O one can only close one's eyes and hope that all those chunks which add up to millions are being used wisely--to improve learning facilities for the children of Sweetwater. If this superintendent doesn't understand unions (or chooses to disregard them) and was trained to be an educational leader but hasn't gotten around to that in three years--if these two major bullets on his job description are lacking-- why is he at the helm managing 600 million dollars worth of bricks & mortar gleaned from our local property taxes? Learning while on the job will cost this district dearly (and has).
jml1942 // July 5, 2009 at 10:01 a.m.
Remember, anything Gandara does such as the comment that he hired his wife, is not his doing, it is the school board. The school board has the legal authority to stop Gandara's actions. Focus, on the school board, they are the ones who are responsible.
There is no need to term limit anyone. Just do not elect them.
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Okay // July 5, 2009 at 1:30 p.m.
It is Gandara doing as is all the firing and demoting. Does he have something on these board members they are the worse I have ever seen. That is why we need the state to come and audit the district. Too many I'll rub your back and you rub mine going on.
AND we do need term limits. Most of these members have been on the board for over 15 years and nothing changes. All I see is them getting more and more perks. Why does the district have to pay for them to have board home telephone numbers and fax number, computers, cell phones? And Cartmill is the worse everytime a new piece of electronic equipment comes out he uses OUR tax paying money to get the latest and greatest.
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jml1942 // July 5, 2009 at 2:45 p.m.
Gandara cannot act without the authority of the majority of the board. The board is the only body that has the legal power to hire and fire. THe board can the priorities of the district. The superintendent is an employee of the board. The superintendent serves at the pleasure of the board.
Term limits never determined who are the better or the worse board members. I have seen some very good board members serve twenty years and also not so good serve 20 years. Every public official has term limits, usually four years when they are up for election, that is the public's chance to end their career by voting those you think are not doing well, that is you can vote them out.
If you want to know about perks, check out what does the superintendent earn as well what are his perks? That will surprise you. Everything a school district does is public information. Are you aware of how much they spend on Consultants? Find out. Again, the superintendent cannot do anything without the majority of the board's consent. The board can reserve the superintendents decisions. Example: tomorrow the majority of the board could call for a meeting and rehire the two ladies. Simple as that.
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Okay // July 5, 2009 at 3:08 p.m.
Not only does the district pay way too much for consultants, are you aware of the one consultant who wrote is own job decription and then got hired? The former director has been demoted and now she works for him! They hire consultants to audit the books yet they have people to do that. They hire consultants to save the district money yet the supervisors/managers should be doing the jobs. I could go on and on as I do read board items. The only board member who called these people out was Jaime Mercado and boy do I wish he was back on the board.
You are right that Gandara cannot act without the authority of the board but that is just BS. They do his bidding and that is what we need to find out. And then this corrupt board hides behind him and says we only act on his recommendation.
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jml1942 // July 6, 2009 at 4:04 p.m.
When are the citizens, taxpayers, students going to get organized to make sure that there is accountability? If we are lucky, government is the same as farming, you have to take care of the land and the what you plant to get a return. The citizens in the District do not seem to want to do much about it, they rather spend their time and money on sports and the Michel Jackson's of the world(do not get me wrong),however, that is more important to most than making sure that there is enough support for a good reading program, math or whatever.
As for Jaime Mercado, fine, but he showed how stupid he was when he pulled that stunt on the two Lopez candidate trick. THat cost him the election. All that means, that he will play dirty tricks to get the power he wants.
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jml1942 // July 6, 2009 at 4:05 p.m.
Baord members can say whatever they want, but in the end they have the last word if they want to take control.
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itsaboutthekids // July 8, 2009 at 11:21 a.m.
We DO need term limits!!!! What we have currently are Board Members who have been elected and then after years of service begin to loose focus. Serving as a Board Member should NOT be considered a JOB or a source of INCOME. It should be considered a SERVICE for the betterment of the Community. Mr. Cartmill has been heard to say at many a party that his long term goal is to be able to hand his daughter her diploma. Well, we DON'T have that kind of time to wait for him to move on. The Board as a WHOLE has let down this Community.
The Community needs to be motivated. The Community needs to have a fire lit under their behinds and do what is long overdue and make A CLEAN SWEEP OF THE OUR CURRENT BOARD. One by one they HAVE to go.
I would recommend that the Unions recognize that without the voters of this District NOTHING is going to be accomplished. I would recommend that they, the Unions, begin sending out mailings that identify their plight. With knowledge there is power. Currently many in the Community believe, wrongfully so, that it is all about money and they are not sympathetic. I am quite confident that if the correct information was out there that we would see a Community that responded 'YOU ARE OUT OF HERE'. Perhaps Teachers, and other entities should take steps such as sitting outside of Grocery Stores offering to speak of what the real issues are.
Regarding Mr. Mercado, I would like to interject, HE WAS THE ONLY BOARD MEMBER WHO EVER GOT BACK TO ME ON ANY ISSUE I HAD CONCERNS WITH. The other Board Members simply leave their fax machines on, have a bogus family message at the number given out, or the number simply rings and rings.
Our current Board Members are suffering from apathy, they simply are NOT taking their responsibilities seriously. More concerned with notoriety vs, accomplishing what is best for our youth. PITIFUL!!!
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jml1942 // July 8, 2009 at 12:46 p.m.
itsaboutkids keeps focusing on the wrong issue, as it is not about term limits or Jim Cartmill, it is about getting good people who are concerned about the taxpayer and how his/her tax dollar is being spent. It is about the taxpayer caring enough to get out on the shopping centers and passing out the literature, rather than spending their time on the PTA and baking cookies and usually, being manipulated by the information that the Adminstration gives them. If you have excellent, aware, sensative board members to the needs of the educational community, I would hope you would not want term limits, besides, they end up running for city council, assembly etc. and usually they get elected.
Bottom line, it is the taxpayer who pays the bill, it is the taxpayer who should care more than anyone else and above all, it should be the taxpayer who also has children in the public school system who should be in the shopping centers informing their community.
Taxpayers and parents should be contacting the leaders of the unions because they can really educate parents and taxpayers as to budgets, issues from a different view, however, that does not mean that you need to agree with them all the time.
I served on a committee where parents and employees met and 95% of the time, they all agreed as to how the funds should be spent. Excluded were administrators.
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jml1942 // July 8, 2009 at 2:55 p.m.
Yes, I cannot dispute Jaime Mercado's actions on the board, however, what he did was unethical and stupid and probably the reason for his defeat.
I also want all of you to know that Jaime was a great supporter of the administration for over 25 years, good principal, but a great supporter of the administration for years and years. He was for them and he got promoted and one day he was shafted and he was done in by the prior superintendent Ed Brand. He was done wrong, however, when others were done wrong he kept his mouth closed and still supported the administration. Just as he acted unethically during the last election, he has shown that he will do anything to promote himself be it as an administrator or as a school board member. To be fair, he was one of the better principals and he was known to be a good school board member, but he can be dangerous for when he wants power he will too forget you.
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KarenF // July 9, 2009 at 10:24 p.m.
All the above comments are right on. As a 35-yr employee of the District (retired in '08), I, too, have seen a lot of disgusting district administrations and shenanigans. It is true that Gandara is just another sad consequence of a Board that is either inept or on the take when they continue to hire ineffectual leaders to head the District. Sadly, I do not live in the district and cannot, therefore, have any say in the election of board members; but those of you who do absolutely MUST get out at each election and walk the streets (and THAT I can, and will, do!) to let voters know who is on the slate and why certain candidates must not be (re) elected. Then, vote!
Gandara is a low-intelligence fool who was hired with no experience in a 7-12 district. A negligent board allowed, rather, caused, this to occur. Further, they did not fire Gandara when they had the chance when they found that he had illegally sought employment with another district.
Just imagine if Karen Janney were our Superintendent now---how perfect would that be......
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jml1942 // July 15, 2009 at 3:41 p.m.
Karen, thanks for your comments. I have a feeling that this is all going to die out for lack of citizen organization and involvement. I knew good people who ran for the board many years ago and one problem was that when time for precint walking was needed very few people showed up to help and the candidates had to do it all by themselves. LOts of people promised to help, but when the time came they did not show up.
Also, unless there is an issue, not many care about the board or the schools. I am concluding that nothing will come from this, unless there is an organized group with some good leadership. If not, this will die out soon.
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