Thursday, April 9, 2009

4/13 AGENDA same as 4/9 "Special Meeting"

Another closed session Board meeting has been scheduled for Monday night April 13 at 5:30 - same agenda. Possibly, since only three Board members were available today they didn't want to make decisions (take the heat) without the full Board in agreement. It would be great to have some other people speak and be present to hear their decisions.
There were 5 items to be considered in closed session on April 9:
1. Public Employee Evaluation/Appointment Transfer Title: Principal (2)
2. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reclassification/Reassignment/ Resignation/Transfer
3. Conference with Labor Negotiator
4. Conference with Legal Counsel—Existing Litigation Name of Case: SUHSD vs. All American Asphalt
5. Conference with Legal Counsel—Anticipated Litigation Number of Potential Cases: 2

This is the perfect opportunity for all of us to address the board on Karen Janney's (et. al) behalf. We have the right to be heard and the board must let us speak...EVEN AT A CLOSED SESSION MEETING. Even though it is a closed session meeting it is still a public meeting and if employ/personnel items are on the agenda (which they are) the public can be heard. So the board members will come out and sit in their chairs. Cartmill will bang the gavel and call the meeting to order. If we are all there and we fill out the cards to speak, they must here us before they go behind closed doors. It is quite a statement to the Board when the room is full at closed session and even a stronger statement when a great deal of their time is taken with public testimony. Let's pack that room.
Speak to 1 & 2 for KJ/DC and administrator positions.
Speak to 3 for SEA Union Issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the word gets out about this--it involves our the quality of education in our district and future salaries for years to come.