Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An Educator Sends in Her Letter to Trustees & the One Response She Received.

Dear Brick Wall 399, 
I sent these notes to the board via email on March 11, 2009.
Cartmill, Ricasa, Lopez received the first version and Sandoval & Quinones received the second one.  I sent them after work to their First Class emails (except Cartmill). I sent his to the email listed on the district web site.  I also snail-mailed these same brief notes registered (5$ a pop) to the district office to arrive by Friday March 13 (pink slip day, ironically).
I only heard back from Mr. Sandoval in an email a few days later.  His response follows my two versions.
I have taught in this district since 1993. Karen Janney was my principal at Chula Vista Middle School and Montgomery High School. She is an educator that continues to inspire me. Though I have not worked directly with Dr. Carberry, I am equally concerned about her abrupt demotion. I feel our elected officials owe us an explanation. I cannot remain silent on this issue.
Thank you for posting this on the blog. Please use my name.--Mary Doyle

Dear Mr. Cartmill:

I am the high school librarian at Mar Vista High School. I moved from San Diego to Imperial Beach over two years ago and I vote in all elections.  As an employee of this district, a voter and homeowner in this region, and a family member of students and staff at Sweetwater, my interests in the quality of education delivered to the youth of my chosen community overlaps and is interwoven into all aspects of my life.
For this reason I need to understand your vote last Monday night to remove Karen Janney from her position as assistant superintendent.
Please respond. She is a valuable resource and has truly lived the SUHSD mission of education for all. She puts student success first.   
I have learned that the vote was 5-0. I am sending similar requests to your colleagues on the board.  Thank you in advance for a prompt explanation.

Yours in education,
Mary S. Doyle
Imperial Beach, CA 91932

Dear Mr. Sandoval,
  I am the high school librarian at Mar Vista High School. I moved from San Diego to Imperial Beach over two years ago and I vote in all elections.  As an employee of this district, a voter and homeowner in this region, and a family member of students and staff at Sweetwater, my interests in the quality of education delivered to the youth of my chosen community overlaps and is interwoven into all aspects of my life. I want to thank you for your vote of support on March 2nd at Sweetwater High. Student success should be our highest priority.
For this reason I do need to understand your more recent vote last Monday night to remove Karen Janney from her position as assistant superintendent.
Please respond. She is a valuable resource and has truly lived the SUHSD mission of education for all. She puts student success first.  I have learned that the vote was 5-0. I am sending similar requests to your colleagues on the board.
Thank you in advance for a prompt explanation.
Yours in education,
Mary S. Doyle
Imperial Beach, CA 91932

Mr. Sandoval's response:
From: "Greg Sandoval"

Date: March 13, 2009 4:01:03 PM PDT
To: "Mary Susan Doyle"
Subject: Re: recent board vote

Ms. Doyle,
According to the Superintendent's contract, as you probably know, he  provides personnel recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval or rejection. You should pose your question to the Superintendent. Take care. Greg Sandoval.


Anonymous said...

rubber stamp?

Anonymous said...

at least he replied.
When are the other ones up for re-election?

Home Inspection Frisco said...

This is awessome