Monday, April 13, 2009

What Nancy Stubbs & Mary Ann Stro Said in Open Session On March 9 Special Meeting

Here are the comments Nancy Stubbs made at the April 9 meeting

Remarks to Closed Session of the Board – 4/9/09

President Cartmill (Vice-President Ricasa), Superintendent Gandara, and members of the Board,

I know you are all aware that there are a substantial number of people in the Sweetwater community- parents, students and staff – who are disappointed with the recent decisions of the Board. We are here today to ask you to listen to your constituents and honor those who have put their trust in you.

The timing of this meeting, over Spring Break, furthers the perception that decisions are being made in secrecy and without input from the people affected by the decisions. Further, public input does not appear to be valued. While there may be a good reason for holding the meeting today, the recent pattern of major decisions being made by a very small group of people moves this perception towards reality for the public.

As you make your decisions today, especially for items 1 and 2, please be sure you have all the pertinent information. Are you aware that the decisions made at the March 9 Board meeting resulted in the demotion or termination of 11 women , district administrators or district resource teachers, while the 5 moves that involved men were all lateral moves or promotions?

Another perception around the district is that by speaking here today I may experience retribution. But as a 25 year loyal employee of the Sweetwater district I care deeply about the culture of fear and disrespect that is permeating the district. You have the power to change that culture. I trust you will respect my right to express my opinion in an honest effort to improve conditions in Sweetwater.

We respectfully request that you carefully consider your decisions today, again –especially for items 1 and 2, in light of what is best for students, and not base them on politics.

We also request that you reconsider your decisions of 3/9, especially the termination of Karen Janney.

Thank you.

Here are the comments that Mary Anne Stro made at the April 9th meeting:
and her note to

I have been following the Blog and have posted a comment, but do not know how to do a post so I am sending you the comments that I made at the special meeting on April 9th. Thanks for your efforts and thanks for your support of Karen - an exceptional educator.

Mary Anne Stro, Ed.D.

Good morning. I am here this morning to express my concern over the appearance that the Board of Trustees is acting in a manner to avert public comment. There are members of the community who are upset and concerned over the demotion of key administrators which took place at your March meeting. Today we see another agenda item dealing with administrative demotions. At the March meeting there were 8 women all aged 50 or older demoted or terminated while on the same agenda 4 males were promoted. We will be paying attention to the personnel moves you make this morning. Two sites, for example, will apparently be assigned principals without parent and staff input as directed by your own Board Policy.
I believe that the board has not acted in the best interest of the district (especially with the demotion of Karen Janney) or the community and has instead created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. I applaud those who are willing to come forward to speak and trust that there will be no retaliation against any of them for having done so.
The board agenda for this morning lists an item that infers that there is potential litigation against the district. I sure hope so!

Mary Anne Stro, Ed.D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have some strong and brave women in our district and I have the utmost respect and admiration for them! I can only imagine that this is the very reason Gandara is letting them go and demoting them. All the women in this district need to stay strong and loud! 10 years ago I voiced a concern over the constant promotion of Latino males in our district over others even though, especially east of 805, Latinos are not the only minority population in our district. I was reprimanded and called a racist even though all of my behavior showed otherwise minus one comment about my concern about district administration. This is not a new issue, Gandara is just doing it more brazenly. Hopefully it will end soon!
The rescinding of 55 RIF's today is a move in the right direction although I'd be very interested in seeing which RIF's were rescinded and if there is any continuing pattern.