Saturday, May 9, 2009


Thank you to all the fellow bricks out there sending in information:

As the district keeps up it's one way communication with staff, one starts to wonder what is true and what is hearsay?

RE: the first class email from finance regarding points on contract.
Sweetwater Union High School District
Financial Information

1. How does prop O even relate to retirement health benefits for new hires?
(THE UNION asks for--> Continue providing retirement health benefits to new SEA members)

The district is obligated to set aside funding for employee retiree benefits under the GASB 45 legislation. To cover that set aside for CURRENT employees, the district must reserve $66 million. How much does the district have in reserves for this purpose now? $9.5 million. Eliminating health benefits for new employees significantly reduces that requirement. Ensuring the district has proper funds set aside for GASB 45 affects the district’s credit rating for future Proposition O bond sales.

Would you have voted for and supported prop O if you knew that the district would use the need to improve the physical plant at the expense of the physical health of dedicated people working for our children's success only to end up with no health care during their golden years?

2. How does more money in teacher's pockets really assuage enforced teaching of six periods?
This allows schools more flexibility in scheduling, and puts more money in teachers’ pockets.

Teachers who need more money in their pocket, under the status quo contract, can choose to work six periods or manage their personal financial lives in other ways. The District wants to take that choice away.

3. Why are principals being told to design master schedules with the 30 : 1 teacher student ratio when the contract has not been signed?
Again, a permanent loss to the reserves.
The district's consistent response...

4. Why does every press release, interview and email from the district mention the "piddly "2% pay cut (which is 1K less for every 50K --not that piddly) and forget to mention the PERMANENT eternal stipulation in the same sentence? Oh, and what happened to the self-assigned pay cut admin was going to accept ? Was that permanent moment already lost in time?
Again, a permanent loss to the reserves.
The district's consistent response.

On the ADMIN side & BOARD Approval (read rubber stamp):

1. A flier has been sent to parents with information about Options/SAILS. Charlene Lemons is listed as the principal. There has not been a Board action on that. They still have an acting principal who will be retiring.

2. The principal position at Palomar is dudosa (doubtful) too. That principal is retiring and the position was posted on Ed Join for awhile before being sent out to SUHSD. It has never been posted to management electronically -as is done with High School principal positions. And the management/pay level seems to have been bumped up also. Was there Board approval for that?

3. Arturo Montano named as Principal at NCM. That job was never posted. The Board is no longer making any pretense of going through the appropriate process to assign principals.

Comments? Thanks to all the bricks out there for input. See you at the Rally/Board Meeting.

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