Tuesday, May 19, 2009

MORE Commentary on KPBS radio article (May 12)

We have heard that  every letter written represents at least 50 people with similar intentions.   There has got to be a formula: 
Letter writers =Intention + (-intimidation) x  fear
x= # of people disappeared* from SUHSD.
* demoted, encouraged to retire, removed, rearranged, re-classified, RIP

Yet, comments still trickle in on the events in SUHSD

LeadershipHero // May 14, 2009 at 6:17 p.m.

Thank you KPBS for publishing this story. I think it is important that the parents and students who attend schools in the Sweetwater district know that the frustrations of the teachers, custodians, bus drivers, secretaries, counselors, and nurses are aimed at the Board of Trustees and district leadership....not at them. Teaching and learnng will continue in Sweetwater because that is the right thing to do.

It is also important that parents and students know that the elected officials are not being held accountable for the job they were elected to fulfill.

Mr. Cartmill, Ms. Ricassa, Mr. Sandoval, Ms. Quinones, and Ms. Lopez are quickly loosing the confidence of the voters in the South Bay. The last time the voters lost confidence in the elected officials and district leadership- the elementary school districts began forming committees to look at spliting the Sweetwater district up and unifying the middle, junior and high schools with the elementary school district.

Has that time come again?

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havetospeakup // May 15, 2009 at 2:10 p.m.

Actually, Leadership Hero, I hadn't thought about that, but if it came to it, I would be much less inclined to fight against unification than I was before, and I don't think I'm the only one who would feel that way.

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Heyitme // May 18, 2009 at 6:34 a.m.

Why so many management employees at the district in the years that Dr. Gandara has been there have either resigned or retired because of him and usually with the minimum of notice. He uses intimation on his management it is either his way or the high way. Most of Sweetwater’s management team walks in fear of him. Why does he pick on classified employees? He even picks on classified employees. I bet you will find that these are white employees too. He doesn’t even follow district policies that are in place to protect the employees. The school unions keeps calling him on the carpet with his tactics. Sweetwater employee morale is at an all time low. Why can Dr. Gandara break his contract by seeking employment and interviewing for it in Texas and not be accountable for it. Why does he hire consultants to audit the books when they have in house auditors? Why does he hire consultants then allow them to write up their job description and then turn around and hire them? Why is he so proud that they rescinded all the layoff but the Adult School teachers who do not have their tenure have to end work a week early (so they don’t reach it) and then have been told they will not be rehired in the fall? Isn’t this a layoff too?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please get those expense accounts posted. 2514 hits means people want to know the truth.